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Ekklesia Everywhere!

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Dear Gathering Ones:

The Greek word ekklesia means those gathered to accomplish something, or a group of people who are called out for a purpose. The first time this notion of a called-out people appears in the Bible is when the children of Israel come out of Egypt. They were called out in order to move into God’s inheritance that He had promised their forefather Abraham.

In the New Testament we find this principle: God had His Church, or ekklesia group, called out and assembled together as one man. This army was called out to complete the purpose of God in the earthly realm (see Heb. 8:1-13).  Today is a time like no other to move forward with a purpose!  We are partnering with Ed Silvoso, and other national and international leaders such as Bishop Bill Hamon, Cindy Jacobs, Rick Joyner, James Goll, Bill Johnson, Che Ahn, and Wesley and Stacy Campbell, to raise up 1 Million Ekklesias to change the spiritual climate over the nation.   I encourage you to read and reply to this invitation from Ed Silvoso. 


Chuck D. Pierce

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